LANGLEY (USIntelNews.com) – The CIA and the National Security Agency [NSA] have sensitive information on a person of interest dubbed the “Serbian.” Tipped off by authorities, a team of Italian police inspectors descended on a vaccine-manufacturing facility outside Rome. They discovered 29 million doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines, it was an attempt to smuggle, re-export counterfeit AstraZeneca vaccines from Brazil for the needs of the former Yugoslavia and the Warsaw Pact countries, which were transported by plane/ship to Italy and the plan was to deliver the same vaccines to the port of Bar from Italy. Two weeks ago 500,000 vaccines entered Serbia and were imported from Brazil via Italy by land declared as pellets for firewood. The counterfeit AstraZeneca vaccine from Brazil show ZERO efficacy, a ZERO protection period, and a number of negative side effects. The mainstream media are treating Serbia as a new concern, but Serbia has been a problem for terrorism for the past years. The New York Times declared in a headline “Arrests Shake Up a Soccer Scene in Serbia Ruled by Gangsters and Gravediggers.” The NSA has transcripts of phone conversations and sensitive intercepts on the “Serbian” in connection with the case Vladimir Cvijan, the Serbian lawyer and politician who served as the legal advisor and General Secretary of the President of Serbia Boris Tadić. Even a psychological profile was developed on Serbian Dictator Aleksandar Vučić based on a U.S. psychiatrist’s evaluation of personality disorders of psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms. The resulting profile was compared with a consensus profile based on specialists whose expertise was Idi Amin, and a consensus profile of 13 informants, all of whom had an intimate knowledge of Jean-Bedel Bokassa. The rank-order correlation between Aleksandar Vučić and Idi Amin and between Aleksandar Vučić and Jean-Bedel Bokassa was identical. For the personality disorders, it appeared that a big 6 emerged: paranoid, sadistic, narcissistic, schizoid, antisocial and schizotypal.
Nikola Sandulović – Who Kills Politicians In Serbia?
What the Dictator Fears Most
The State Department’s 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, released March 30, 2021, said Serbia’s already poor human rights record “worsened” during the year. The human rights reports cite Serbia for widespread human rights abuses including arbitrary arrest and detention. Serbia has become even more of a land of opportunity for drug traffickers and terrorist assets. What an interesting coincidence that the most damaging evidence against Aleksandar Vučić comes from Dijana Hrkalović, a former State Secretary in the Serbian Ministry of the Interior. What Aleksandar Vučić fears most is Dijana Hrkalović, and he fears Serbia´s opposition leader, Nikola Sandulović, who recently emerged as the new face of the movement against Aleksandar Vučić, as Sandulović has access to good information on the nature of the Vučić regime. Aleksandar Vučić tried to eliminate Nikola Sandulović. The dictator went so far as to attempt poisoning Nikola Sandulović with Sarin, when Sandulović was arrested and imprisoned one year ago but was actually innocent. People in Serbia live under the constant terror of being arrested or killed. Sarin is an extremely toxic synthetic organophosphorus compound. A colourless, odourless liquid, it is used as a chemical weapon due to its extreme potency as a nerve agent. Exposure is lethal even at very low concentrations, where death can occur within one to ten minutes after direct inhalation of a lethal dose, due to suffocation from respiratory paralysis, unless antidotes are quickly administered. People who absorb a non-lethal dose, but do not receive immediate medical treatment, may suffer permanent neurological damage.
Despota Stefana Prison Has Become A Place Of Torture, Degradation, And Execution
In shocking video “Nikola Sandulović – Who Kills Politicians In Serbia?”, viewers can see that there was knocking at the door of Nikola Sandulović´s home. A squad of Serbian policemen entered with guns drawn and arrested him. Nikola Sandulović, the President of the Republican party in Serbia, was held in prison in poor condition. Even more shocking photos showed Serbian police officers grinning and laughing alongside Nikola Sandulović lying on the ground, whose body had been paralyzed. Perhaps worst of all, no one seemed to have a sense that what they were doing was wrong. The prison photographs were particularly painful for Serbs, because under Aleksandar Vučić’s brutal leadership the Despota Stefana prison has become a place of torture, degradation, and execution. There was some further interchange of compliments towards Aleksandar Vučić, after Nikola Sandulović left prison in a wheelchair and said: “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.” The dictator is also terrified of Vladimir Putin. He thinks Putin is after his life, but that’s another story.
The Failure To Predict The Rise Of Serbian Dictator Aleksandar Vučić As World´s Top Terror Financier
The Regime Is Engaged In Drug- And Weapons-Smuggling, Torture And Murder
For the United States of America, Aleksandar Vučić is a recurring nightmare. The Serbian dictator continues to haunt President Biden in all his incarnations. The Biden Administration has pursued several avenues to attempt to contain or end the potential threat posed by Vučić, the Slobodan Milošević´s Minister of Information-turned-dictator whose connections to drug trafficking, election fraud, and murder had made him a growing embarrassment. Aleksandar Vučić is already a danger at a time when fighting drugs had become a national passion. Since when does U.S. foreign policy say a Serbian dictator can help dope trafficking that’s killing hundreds of thousands of American youth? American law enforcement officials rate Aleksandar Vučić one of the world´s most significant cartel leaders. This is the story of Serbia and the most revealing of a foreign policy gone terribly wrong and how, during 8 years of rule by the dictator Aleksandar Vučić, darkness fell on a prosperous land, but the US intelligence community should not be blamed for policy failures. Serbia has became a country of the criminals, by the criminals, and for the criminals, engaged in drug- and weapons-smuggling, torture and murder. The regime always uses the same technique. Slavko Ćuruvija was shot 14 times and died outside his Belgrade apartment in April 1999. Oliver Ivanović was shot dead outside his office in the northern Serb-dominated part of Mitrovica. No Communist governments would be allowed in Serbia anymore, no exceptions. Aleksandar Vučić might be a big guy in Serbia now, but the U.S. authorities might catch him running for his life to Moscow later. Thousands of Serbians defiantly took to the streets of the capital Belgrade. Their demand: dump Aleksandar Vučić who is not only Serbia’s President but its de facto dictator, but intelligence sources believe that everything is coming out. There are no secrets. You can’t keep secrets. If you can’t justify what you did, you’d better let us know. Terrorist assets continue to use Serbia as a staging area, and our intelligence agents fear that these terrorist assets might be deployed against U.S. targets. These groups owed Aleksandar Vučić a debt. In fact, it seemed to American intelligence agents in Serbia that dark characters of every ilk were indebted to Serbia’s dictator. In a dirty war, they say, Aleksandar Vučić would have the upper hand.
Serbian Dictator Aleksandar Vučić Runs The Biggest Criminal Cartel In The World
The Case Vladimir Cvijan Shows The Inhumane Component Of The Vučić Regime
The US intelligence community is split over whether Aleksandar Vučić is programmed to see himself as the new Josip Broz Tito, like the son of the Sun, not as a human being. A sort of divinity, but it was around 10 p.m. of January 5, 2018, when dictator Aleksandar Vučić got the call. On the phone was a man known to have been recruited, trained, and well paid by the regime. He said Vladimir Cvijan wasn’t coming back from his vacation, where he had flown to hide from the regime. Vladimir Cvijan was dead. He died [according to the version of the Vučić regime] by drowning in the Danube river on 5 January 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia, according to Belgrade Higher Public Prosecutor Office in March 2021. Before that there was no single trace of his fate, except for some tabloid claims that he allegedly fled the country to United States in 2017. His death was kept hidden from the public for three years, until it was revealed by the media in March 2021. Vladimir Cvijan was cremated immediately without his family being informed. He was buried anonymously by the regime. The case Vladimir Cvijan shows the inhumane component of the Vučić regime.
Vladimir Cvijan Wasn’t Letting Off A Drug Dealer; He Was Getting Rid Of A Dictator
From the beginning, Vladimir Cvijan and Aleksandar Vučić were the Serbian Odd Couple. Vučić was a lazy, disorganized, dictator. Vladimir Cvijan was the detail-oriented, workaholic confidence man. Aleksandar Vučić put Vladimir Cvijan under surveillance, and he collected recordings of some of his political planning. Tension charged the room, because of an disagreement between Aleksandar Vučić and Vladimir Cvijan over one of the SNS’s most delicate policy issues. Two days earlier, Vladimir Cvijan had come out publicly against Aleksandar Vučić ‘s plans. Vladimir Cvijan stood his ground. Cvijan said he was ready to take the political heat. He said that once the Serbian people heard his logic, they would change their minds. Vladimir Cvijan wasn’t letting off a drug dealer; he was getting rid of a dictator. Vladimir Cvijan had always been convinced of his powers of persuasion. He said that he believed in democratic principles—that leaders can take controversial decisions if they are explained properly to the citizenry. When Vladimir Cvijan ‘s opponents couldn’t budge him on the arguments, they attacked on another front. Whereas Vladimir Cvijan’s fate remained uncertain, but Aleksandar Vučić ‘s attack on Vladimir Cvijan was a master stroke in a psychological war to regain control of the party.
Vučić’s Rise In The Shadow Of Dictator Slobodan Milošević
The case Vladimir Cvijan has finally transformed Aleksandar Vučić into a dictator whose means of holding power were simple and brutal. Like his speeches, it rambles and name-drops, citing in a positive light the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Gaddafi, whom he cites as experts who used psychological operations to rule nations and conquer enemies. Aleksandar Vučić consideres himself one of the world’s leading authorities on this ancient art. Vučić ‘s friends say that seeing the Slobodan Milošević ‘s desperation so close up had a profound effect on Vučić. Aleksandar Vučić saw then that there was little life after dictatorship. Aleksandar Vučić always begs for the history to judge over him, but we’d like to have the U.S. courts instead. We need the dictator in good health so that he can answer for his actions in court. Vučić’s rise from the poverty in Serbia to the wealth of an amoral drug-connected dictator. Foreshadowing his rise in the shadow of dictator Slobodan Milošević, he quotes Machiavelli that a prudent man must always follow in the footsteps of great men and imitate those who have been outstanding. If his own prowess fails to compare with theirs, at least it has an air of greatness about it. But the details are relatively simple: Aleksandar Vučić is paid by both China and Russia. According to the New York Times, Aleksandar Vučić has become perhaps China’s biggest cheerleader in Europe. Vučić cleverly jockeyed himself into a position that made him as indispensable to the Chinese as he was to Russians. At about eight, Aleksandar Vučić spoke to the nation on TV. Vučić´s hair was mussed, his voice monotone and rambling. Vučić shuffled his notes more than referred to them. Dictator Aleksandar Vučić seemed not drunk or drugged but rather drained utterly, and what he said was odder than how he looked. Aleksandar Vučić´s vanity had been bruised very badly. Vučić complained about the insults heaped on him from the European Parliament during the TV debate, though all he’d been called was drug peddler, thief, and dictator, all of which titles he’d earned. As the Vučić regime digested the latest threat to its authority, concern was growing in the Kremlin that one of the closest allies in the hemisphere was headed for a long period of instability.
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