The U.S. Intelligence Community
LANGLEY ( – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of barbarism, but it is necessary to determine realistically and concretely what groups of Russians should be deemed the organizers, accomplices, or perpetrators of the Putin regime´s war crimes and who should bear, in this connection, criminal responsibility. According to the Rich TVX News Network, Sergei Lavrov is trying to convince African countries that they are better off siding with the Kremlin than the United States and Europe. The Kremlin formed a powerful nucleus for the dissemination of vicious Russian propaganda. We are united in the objective that aggression shall never come again from Russia to invade other countries. Putin and his clique are the organizers and instigators of the war crimes in general and at the same time perpetrators of international crimes such as aggression and violation of treaties. In addition to Putin and his Siloviki cartel, this group of criminals includes also the Russian oligarchs, the Russian Duma, and the local representatives of the Putin regime. The war for the liberation of Ukraine will lead to the expulsion or annihilation of the Putin clique. We should welcome such an outcome. The events of the last few months have created in America a new outlook in conformity with the times, a demand for bold action to meet today’s realities. And that is exactly what the Yale team around professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is doing.
The Expulsion Or Annihilation Of The Putin Clique
Consideration Of All The Facts And All The Arguments
In stating the problem, Vladimir Putin threatened not only Europe but the United States as well. His effort to destroy Ukraine was a direct attempt to restrict the freedom of action of the United States in Eastern Europe. Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, his colleague Steven Tian and the Yale team have realized full well that there is only one way really to render the Kremlin harmless and that is to destroy their propaganda. And the Kremlin lies, again, can be weakened in only one way namely by evidence to the contrary. We believe that the Russian Federation should bear political responsibility for war crimes in Ukraine whereas criminal responsibility must lie with the natural persons guilty of the war crimes committed. While recognizing the unquestioned moral and material responsibility of the Russian people for the wrongdoings of the Putin gang, we believe at the same time that this responsibility cannot be determined by the usual methods of criminal law. From the very beginning political factors have played a paramount role in Kremlin’s national economy and foreign policy; this has been especially true since the rise of Vladimir Putin to power on August 9, 1999. For no peace treaty can insure lasting peace in Ukraine unless effective measures are taken for the economic, military and political disarmament of Russia, but economic disarmament cannot be effective unless it is applied to the Russian economy as a whole; hence all Russian industry must be either controlled or liquidated. The latter won’t be necessary as it stands, according to the brilliant document – the latest publication of the Yale School of Management team of experts, which shows that the Russian economy is already on the brink. The paper “Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy” has been nothing short of revolutionary. But then, it’s by professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian and the Yale team! A simple download here gets you the document.