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LANGLEY ( – Kremlin propaganda has found a willing audience in Serbia, where simmering hatred towards the United States and NATO has led many to side with the Putin regime. Serbian media are part of the Russian propaganda machinery that creates an anti-American atmosphere. The eliciting of behaviour desired by the Russian propagandist further reinforces the basic motivational message — because that action by the propagandized binds the Serbs closer to Russia and the Kremlin objectives. In this U.S. Intelligence News bulletin, readers will discover indisputable truths that expose widespread Serbian/Russian criminal network involvement in the attack on the Rich TVX News Network. The propaganda of repressive Russians or those seeking to mobilize a Serbian population in anger and hatred against others will be seen to go hand in hand with violence and the threat of terror, but no other race or people figure as prominently as do the Jews to be blamed by the Serbian/Russian Nazis. As previous bulletins have revealed, a Jewish element is present in every single aspect and at every level of the Rich TVX News Network. From ownership of the Rich TVX News Network (and the businessmen who own it), nearly every individual involved is Jewish, according to the Serbian/Russian propaganda. Honing in on the Jewish plot against the Kremlin that was facilitated via the Rich TVX News Network´s disclosure of Russia´s invasion plans against Ukraine long before Feb 24. An operation of this magnitude naturally required that the psychopaths in Serbia responsible for the attack on the Rich TVX News Network, with many of its members being Jewish, according to the Serbs, needed to cover every base, especially since their tactical execution proved so sloppy. More importantly, since never before in history had a news channel leaked Russian invasion plans with such precise details. The preponderance of evidence in regard to Jewish guilt when it comes to the Rich TVX News Network is overwhelming, undeniable, and beyond any reasonable doubt for these mad Serbs. Serbia has rejected calls from the U.S. and the European Union to join sanctions against Russia, citing its national interests. How could anyone take that explanation seriously? The Serbs further charged that the Rich TVX News Network had gained excessive influence over Serbian politics. Same time, Air Serbia continues happily to fly to Russia. A Joke?

The True Motives Behind The Attack On The Rich TVX News Network

The truth is that Putin’s Russia is an aggressive state prepared to use barbaric methods to pursue its geopolitical and military objectives. Ironically, by diverting attention away from Serb tyrant Aleksandar Vučić and more importantly, the Kremlin itself, they are vehemently highlighting Rich TVX News Network’s role in discovering Russia´s Invasion plans for Ukraine, the Serbs cloak their guilt by using code words against the Rich TVX News Network such as Jewish-controlled corporate media, the bloodthirsty aims of a Greater Israel, neo-cons, Zionists, Illuminati, Satanists, globalists, New World Order, CIA, ‘American imperialism’ or calling the Rich TVX News Network simply ‘Soroševci.’ To further mislead a gullible public away from the true motives behind the attack on the Rich TVX News Network—another cover-story had to be disseminated. They attacked the Rich TVX News Network with hair-raising allegations through the pathetic website, and others. At first glance, looks like a legitimate website. It’s not. It’s a Serbian-based propaganda outlet with links to the Russians. It goes without saying that the Kremlin had a vested interest in these attacks on the Rich TVX News Network. To accomplish these goals against their despised Rich TVX news channel, the Serbian/Russian Nazis main intent was to destroy the channels reputation, accusing the Rich TVX News Network to be a Mossad-affiliated news channel or a vast Israeli spy network that lurked within U.S. borders before and after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They rejected it as a Jewish news product. Behind the scenes, the Kremlin, along with Russia’s FSB, were secretly funding Serbian/Russian propaganda sites. According to the Serbs, members of the Jewish-controlled media Rich TVX News Network spun the ‘official’ version of events in Ukraine. The only questions left are what kind of drugs are these Serbian criminals taking and from where do they get their sick ideas? Maybe they get both directly from the Kremlin?

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