The Numbers Speak: Russia’s Declining Economic Power in Comparison to China
LANGLEY (USIntelNews.com) –
It is evident that Putin’s Russia has become nothing but a subservient “younger brother” to China. The numbers speak for themselves – even 30 years ago, Russia’s GDP was 2.8 times larger than China’s GDP, but now, China’s GDP is at least 10 times ahead of Moscow. Let’s look at some key figures: Russia’s GDP is 10 times smaller than China’s ($1479 billion versus $14867 billion), and even before sanctions, Russia exported 8 times less than China ($332 billion versus $2590 billion). In addition, the share of world exports in Russia is 7.7 times smaller than in China (1.9% versus 14.7%), and the added value in China is 20.5 times higher than in Russia. For China, the EU and the USA are important partners, as its domestic economy depends on them. On the other hand, Russia can only serve as a donor – providing territories and raw materials. In fact, Beijing has become one of the main contributors to the Kremlin treasury, with up to 40% of Russian imports coming from China. Furthermore, China’s economic hold over Russia has only been strengthening in recent years. For instance, the Kremlin planned to export more than 80% of its oil in 2023 to so-called “friendly countries,” with the majority of it being bought by China for next to nothing. With one political decision, Xi Jinping could easily block Moscow’s economy, cutting off both the inflow of export revenue and the flow of goods to Russia. It’s clear that such relations between the two nations cannot be considered equal, with Moscow rightfully viewed as a vassal of Beijing. The stark contrast in economic prowess and technological advancement between the two nations will have significant implications for global politics and security in the years to come.