Law Professor: Italy’s Ban on Public Worship ‘Unacceptable, Illegitimate, Unconstitutional’
Law professor Maria Lucia Di Bitonto has written a scathing legal analysis of the Italian government’s ban on public worship,Read More
Law professor Maria Lucia Di Bitonto has written a scathing legal analysis of the Italian government’s ban on public worship,Read More
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday, urging him to open a criminalRead More
President Donald Trump suggested that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is still alive, despite rumors that he is either gravelyRead More
Former Vice President Joe Biden told Miami-area CBS 4 on Monday evening that he would restore President Barack Obama’s policyRead More
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday threw his weight behind Turkey’s top Muslim cleric, who caused a storm by claimingRead More
Monday during an interview with CBS4 Miami, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden said the United States cannot engage in “economicRead More
Progressives and employers encouraged many low-skilled foreigners to migrate illegally into U.S. cities, and now those migrants are being hitRead More
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) promoted tourism to San Franciso, California’s Chinatown and was moving forward with legislation to preventRead More
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has informed a company that used a taxpayer grant to provide U.S. tax dollarsRead More
Actor John Cusack called on senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to rescind his endorsement for former vice president Joe Biden’s presidentialRead More
Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg made a comparison between Doctor Josef Mengele, who tortured and murdered HolocaustRead More
Trump said at a press briefing the administration is conducting “serious investigations” to hold China accountable for the coronavirus.