The U.S. Intelligence Community
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
Today’s remarkable vote at the United Nations General Assembly is a powerful reminder that the overwhelming majority of nations stand with Ukraine, in defense of the UN Charter, and in resolute opposition to Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine and its people.
Territorial integrity is a central pillar of the United Nations, and Russia’s violent contempt for Ukraine’s national borders and sovereignty cannot and will not be accepted. By adopting this resolution, the assembled nations made clear: they will not tolerate an attempt by any UN Member State to seize land by force. The vote delivers a resounding rebuke to Russia for its aggression against Ukraine.
The United States is proud to have voted in favor of this resolution. As we have stated repeatedly, we will defend the principles of the UN charter and will never recognize the legitimacy of sham referenda or Russia’s attempts to annex portions of Ukraine.
With very few nations voting with Russia today, it is clear that international unity on this question is resolute and support for Ukraine at the UN and beyond is unwavering. The United States will continue to work with partners across the globe to support Ukraine’s people in defending their nation in its entirety against Russia’s aggression.