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According to the Rich TVX News, the Richard Steiner Method is an innovative fitness plan and has already helped many people. According to sources, patients appear to have been cured of infection with Covid-19. Today, Patients are off treatment & show no signs of the virus anymore. The surprise success now confirms that a cure for Covid-19 is possible.

Richard Steiner has helped thousands of people on their journey to physical and emotional wellness – now, with The Richard Steiner Method, he brings his revolutionary method for shedding weight and achieving balance of mind & body, and addresses the difficulties that people face. The Richard Steiner Method is an innovative fitness plan that fuses strengthening exercises, to help participants transforming both mind and body.

The Bestseller Book – A Man of Honor

A Man of Honor” is the enthralling story of the life of Richard Steiner. By piercing the veil of secrecy of this mysterious man, Peter Pokorny explores his human qualities – loyalty, Integrity, conviction, friendships, connections, trust and honor.

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