The U.S. Intelligence Community
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) claimed during an interview with CNN New Day on Monday that the Trump administration’s immigration policies are to blame for caravan migrants storming the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego Sunday. A partial transcript is as follows: JOHN BERMAN: I want to show you if I can or talk about the pictures we’ve seen over the last 24 hours at the southern U.S. border with Mexico and Tijuana, where some 500 migrants from Central America ran toward the border. There was tear gas used to push them back. Tear gas, some people note, on woman and children. What do you see here? SEN. BEN CARDIN: This is horrible. We have a humanitarian problem on our border. President Trump has argued that our immigration system needs to be fixed. Yet, for the last two years under his presidency, controlling both the House and the Senate, the Republicans, they have not taken any action to improve our immigration system. Instead, they’ve put all there weight behind building a $28-billion wall that the experts tell us will do very little protect our security at the border. You have people who are fleeing horrible circumstances in their own country.