The U.S. Intelligence Community
LANGLEY (USIntelNews.com) – The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine marks the brutal beginning of the Third World War, according to the Rich TVX news station. Not only was the tonnage of bombs dropped on Ukraine of world war proportions, it also includes mass destruction of infrastructure and mass annihilation of human beings. Moreover, in so doing the Russians, led by the Kremlin, clearly signaled their threat to build the new Russian order on recourse to the military. Dominant topics in Rich TVX News Network coverage: By the time the war broke out in Ukraine, the Kremlin “experts on the West,” were surprised by the scale of Western sanctions. The violation of international law through the invasion and occupation of Ukraine by Russia under the presidency of Vladimir Putin is beyond dispute. An important video call took place in the evening of May 22. A virtual call between twelve Siloviki and Vladimir Putin of Russia ended after two hours. Vladimir Putin is at the height of his power in Russia. Since his health had begun to deteriorate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Putin avoided personal meetings whenever possible. Vladimir Putin underwent a surgery to remove fluid from his abdomen. His illness made him keenly conscious of his mortality; from that point on Vladimir Putin was a man in a hurry. Putin´s TV speeches became bolder and more direct, and so he made the most far-reaching mistake his country had seen: three months earlier he invaded Ukraine, an action disturbing to most people in the world but welcomed by the men at the top of Russia´s pyramid of power as a sign of Vladimir Putin’s identification with Imperial Russia. We were told by various Kremlin sources, his decisiveness, intelligence, and directness won him the lasting loyalty of the Siloviki. The Russian Empire, also known as Imperial Russia, was an empire that extended across Eurasia from 1721. The third-largest empire in history, and at one point stretching over three continents—Europe, Asia, and North America.

Vladimir Putin Survived An Assassination Attempt Shortly After February 24
The Rich TVX News Network deserves a few words of its own. Given near-total acclamation for its reporting on the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin, in fact, is organizing a “Russian alternative news” program to relieve their “concern that the Rich TVX News Network plays too strong a role in shaping public opinion in America about the war in Ukraine.” A senior Russian foreign affairs official told the U.S. Intelligence News that Vladimir Putin had been “among the first to notice” that NATO was becoming an enemy of Russia, that this involved “hostility of the West towards Russia.” Later, Vladimir Putin had no illusions about NATO’s being the source of the problem. “But Vladimir Putin,” the official continued, “was also the first to see changes in Ukraine.” If the corporate news media doesn’t report something, does that mean it never happened? Corporate news outlets have not reported that Vladimir Putin survived an assassination attempt three months ago. The attempt took place in a remote mountainous area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea – where he was brought for security reasons, shortly after he invaded Ukraine on February 24. Caucasus, Russian Kavkaz, mountain system and region lying between the Black Sea (west) and the Caspian Sea (east). The Caucasus Mountains in Russia are topped year-round with snow and ice. The perfect place to hide, and a perfect place to die. So what was the reason for the video conference? According to the U.S. Intelligence transcript of the conversation between the Siloviki and Vladimir Putin, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has stepped down from the board of the Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft, after the German Bundestag announced he would lose his taxpayer-funded office and staff. The new European Union’s proposed sanctions on Russia have yet to be approved by EU members. All the time during the video call, the Kremlin officials, trying to find some way in which Germany could be used to their advantage, sought a policy that would separate the Germans and the European Union from the “obstinate Americans.” According to the transcript, the video call included also a discussion about Putin’s PR plans to visit injured soldiers at a Military Hospital in Moscow and the start of a charm offensive in Russia amid economic fallout from his war in Ukraine.

Putin´s Alter Ego Had Bad News From Serbia
Germany’s gas importers should be allowed to open rouble accounts to pay for Russian gas. Then,” Vladimir Putin postulated, “the Germans are sure to be grateful for this Heavenly Favor and will energetically oppose the Americans.”! One of the Siloviki had been running Putin’s office for more than two decades, as a professional Kremlin bureaucrat who prepared and scanned documents, controlled access to Putin, handled sensitive political and personal issues for him, and was known in the Siloviki hierarchy, particularly as Putin grew older, as Putin´s alter ego, and he had bad news from Serbia. The United States of America, without firing a shot and without issuing a threat, was able to create a major problem to the Kremlin´s interests in Serbia by adding NIS Serbia on Yale´s list of shame of companies still doing business with Russia. The Yale School of Management, also known as Yale SOM, is a world-renowned business school. In corporate America, the list of shame created by Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, and Yale research team is known simply as “the List.” Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) is a Serbian multinational oil and gas company. The main production facilities are located in the Republic of Serbia: oil and gas fields. As of May 2022, Russian Gazprom Neft is the largest shareholder with 50% of NIS shares, followed by 29.87% owned by the Government of Serbia, 5% owned by Gazprom and the rest by minority shareholders. Supported by the Siloviki, fully protected by the Russian government, including Vladimir Putin, Gazprom Neft – the third largest oil producer in Russia, remained in Serbia. Obviously, the profits were worth the bother. The same problem that had plagued Western companies that are still doing business in Russia following its unprovoked invasion of neighboring Ukraine, came to haunt the Kremlin ruling elite.

Serbia Is An Occupied Country And The Kremlin Is In Control
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is the Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management at Yale School of Management, and Senior Associate Dean for Leadership Studies. Sonnenfeld is best known as the founder and CEO of Chief Executive Leadership Institute (CELI), affiliated with Yale University. Sonnenfeld has advised thousands of CEOs as well as multiple U.S. Presidents and nominees from both parties, including Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, and Bill Clinton as a conduit between top business and political leaders. Professor Sonnenfeld and his research team pushed corporate leaders to take a stand. Serb dictator Aleksandar Vučić and Serbia’s ruling SNS, a populist political party in Serbia which has been the ruling party since 2012, are massively on the other side of this war in Ukraine in support of Russia, whose president Putin opportunistically declared himself their spokesperson as well as that of Serbs and Christianity. It is impossible for Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia at the moment, dictator Aleksandar Vučić said in a televised interview on national television on Wednesday after the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Changes In The Leadership Of The Russian Federation Are So Rare
Indeed, a coup to overthrow Vladimir Putin of Russia is underway, but changes in the leadership of the Russian Federation are so rare that they are treated like revolutions, no wonder Russia´s chiefs of security have all had short, stormy careers which have ended violently or in political disgrace. Top FSB intelligence officials have been moved to high security prisons as Putin purges his secret services over the botched Ukraine invasion. Putin’s tyranny lasts almost throughout his long tenure of office, but his paranoia increased since February 24. The Kremlin´s ongoing war crimes episode in Ukraine seriously destroyed the reputation of the Putin regime globally. Diplomats and journalists have already started to speculate about Putin’s health and who might follow him. The prevailing views on succession favour Sergey Lavrov. Eventually, or so, Serb dictator Aleksandar Vučić knew what was going to happen in Ukraine, but Serbia is an occupied country and the Kremlin is in control. Serbia’s dictator and one of the Western world’s most detested political figure in the modern era, ordered Serbian State TV to present the Ukrainian leadership who were defending their country against Vladimir Putin’s onslaught to be pictured as brutal, uncaring, Nazi zealots who dispatched Ukrainian’s youth to die on the Ukraine War battlefields. Major operations, like the trans-border crime in the Balkans, could not have been undertaken without a personal directive from the Kremlin, and the old smuggling routes through the Balkans are still very much alive. The problem of achieving an orderly change of Kremlin leaders by established procedures has not yet been solved in Russia. When one of the Siloviki embarked on a long-winded bureaucratic summary of the problem, Putin interrupted him. Putin is demanding; but his assault on the problem in Serbia began with a battery of specific questions, directed at specific individuals in the video meeting.