The U.S. Intelligence Community
During Friday’s Democratic Weekly Address, Representative-elect Katie Hill (D-CA) touted H.R. 1, legislation that pertains to campaign finance, the Voting Rights Act, gerrymandering, and automatic voter registration. Transcript as Follows: “Hello, my name is Katie Hill, the member-elect from California’s 25th Congressional District and I’m currently in D.C. for my second week of new member orientation. In addition to learning where things are and how to use the tunnels, we’ve done a lot of talking this week about where we go from here, now that we officially have a House majority. As the majority and as Democrats, we know that before anything else can happen, we have to repair the trust between people and our government. With that as the priority, under the Democratic Majority, H.R. 1 of the 116th Congress will be a bill that focuses on giving power back to people, not corporations or special interests. For most of the incoming representatives-elect, we ran for office so we could come to Washington to make the communities we represent the priority, and stop playing politics with their lives. That means removing voting obstacles, so that every vote and every voice is heard. That means passing true ethics and accountability