The U.S. Intelligence Community
Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson argued the deals reached by Amazon to locate in New York City and Northern Virginia, two Democratic Party-controlled regions of the country, was indicative of Democrats and ties to corporate power. Carlson labeled the Democratic Party the party of “merciless corporate power” and said the deal benefitting Amazon rewards it even though it is controlled by Jeff Bezos, one of the wealthiest men in the world. “Well, for about a hundred years, the Democratic Party was the party of America’s working class,” Carlson said. “Not anymore. Now, the Democratic Party is the party of merciless corporate power, of Google, and Facebook, and the rest, and they’ll punish you if you get in their way, as you know.” “The latest example, New York and Northern Virginia, two of the Bluest parts of this country showered promises and billions and billions in taxpayer breaks on Jeff Bezos,” he continued. “He runs Amazon. In return, both those states are getting a new Amazon headquarters. It’s a great deal for Bezos. Not that he needs it. He’s already the richest man on planet Earth. But, what about taxpayers?” Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter