The U.S. Intelligence Community
Milorad Dodik`s Covert Operation To Overthrow Aleksandar Vučić
LANGLEY/NEW YORK/BELGRADE (USIntelNews.com) – According to US intelligence officials sources, the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić rules by fear, but he is also ruled by his fears. Protesters and police have clashed in Belgrade, the capital and largest city of Serbia, as clouds of teargas and smoke filled the city centre in chaotic scenes that mirrored violence the night before, when thousands came out to protest. Aleksandar Vučić’s party won a majority in a parliamentary election few weeks ago that was boycotted by most of the opposition, who complained over increasing authoritarianism in Serbia. Vučić is a study in contradictions, at once clever and prone to miscalculation. Vučić has a talent for dividing his enemies, as shown by the current dispute over Kosovo.
Serbia is a small country in central-southeast Europe whose history is a timeline of European wars dating to the Middle Ages. Vučić’s personal friends are connected to him through the Serbian Orthodox Christianity; this is the most exclusive network. Although Serbia does not have an official religion, Eastern Orthodox has a large and influential role in society. One of his close friends is Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik. In fact, Dodik’s mind-set is the subject of a high-stakes debate in the EU, especially after in the case of the murder of David Dragičević, no one was arrested so far in Republika Srpska (one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Is there a guarantee that Milorad Dodik will not “unfriend” Aleksandar Vučić? Milorad Dodik would benefit from a shift in Serbia’s trajectory toward lower hostility vis-à-vis the Kremlin.
Will Milorad Dodik Change The Political Status Quo in Serbia?
In terms of loyalty, some political observers say Milorad Dodik is the consummate survivor who would do anything to stay in power, including possible sell out of Aleksandar Vučić, the same he did in 2000 with Slobodan Milošević, the former Yugoslav and Serbian politician who served as the President of Serbia, and later was extradited to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague. Milorad Dodik believes that Aleksandar Vučić has a messianic complex, because he managed to make his former mentor Dr. Vojislav Šešelj insignificant. Taken together, the above factors, several leading national security experts regard Milorad Dodik as essentially a survivalist who sees the world in the stark terms of the professional fruit seller on the market, he once was during his college years.
To identify what Milorad Dodik wants, let us move beyond the rule of law as the benchmark. In fact, Milorad Dodik is already engaged in a covert operation with Russian allies to overthrow the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić. Special forces are reportedly assisting the street hooligans and fighters and assessing their needs while Milorad Dodik provides logistics support in Republika Srpska. Vučić will resort to massive violence to defeat Dodik´s efforts to bring about a “regime change” in Belgrade. From the Dodiks’ perspective, the latter could theoretically be achieved, including an empowered Serb tycoons-controlled parliament, such as the Duma after the August Coup of 1991, the failed attempt made by Communist leaders of the Soviet Union to take control of the country from Mikhail Gorbachev, who was Soviet President and General Secretary.