Commerce Dept.: Companies Brought $1 Trillion Back to U.S. Under Trump Tax Cuts
American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cutsRead More
American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cutsRead More
Donald Trump Jr. called CBC “absolutely pathetic” for cutting his father’s cameo scene from its broadcast of the film Home AloneRead More
The remains of an American soldier who was killed in Afghanistan earlier this week were transported home to the U.S.Read More
‘Ring of fire’ eclipse wows across Asia… (Third column, 17th story, link)
Americans retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and decent living standard… (Second column, 5th story, link) Related stories:Monthly expenses rarelyRead More
Too big to fail? Tech’s decade of scale and impunity… (Second column, 4th story, link)
President Donald Trump celebrated Christmas with his family this week at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida.
The year 2019 brought a lot of changes to the way food stamps are distributed at the state and federalRead More
Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed off the stage of a campaign rally in Ashkelon after rocket sirens warned of an incomingRead More
Parents walked out of a school meeting focused on gender identity after being barred from discussing a transgender bathroom policy.
An alleged robber in Dover, Pennsylvania, ignored a homeowner’s warnings and ended up being shot with a .357 Magnum.
Top adviser to Syria’s president warns of ‘operations’ against US troops guarding oil fields… (Third column, 2nd story, link)
First contact with aliens more and more likely… (Second column, 17th story, link)