US Intel Warns Russia-Sponsored Hackers Targeting Defense Dept.
The U.S. intelligence community warned in an alert on Wednesday that Russia-sponsored hackers have attempted to infiltrate computer networks belongingRead More
The U.S. intelligence community warned in an alert on Wednesday that Russia-sponsored hackers have attempted to infiltrate computer networks belongingRead More
Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper dropped his lawsuit against the agency Friday regarding several pages of redactions it was tryingRead More
The Pentagon said Thursday it has streamlined the approval process for urgent use of National Guard forces in the DistrictRead More
Seven U.S. Department of Defense staff who traveled last week to multiple American bases, including Indo-Pacific Command on Hawaii, haveRead More
Accused child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell is anticipated to take the stand and defend herself in her upcoming trial, startingRead More
Republicans threatened to prevent the Senate from taking up an anti-China competitiveness measure added to the annual defense policy billRead More
As the closing arguments wrapped up in the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense trial Monday in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, media is findingRead More
The defense rested its case Thursday at the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, setting the stage for closing arguments inRead More
The jury at Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial Tuesday watched drone video that showed Rittenhouse wheeling around and shooting Joseph RosenbaumRead More
President Joe Biden has twice asserted, counter to current U.S. policy, that the United States is ready to defend TaiwanRead More
President Joe Biden said on Thursday the United States would come to Taiwan’s defense and had a commitment to defendRead More
The Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed inclined to allow Kentucky’s Republican attorney general to continue defending a restriction on abortionRead More
Microsoft announced Monday a group of Iranian hackers were “password spraying” or password-guessing against Office 365 accounts tied to defenseRead More
Former President Donald Trump says he has sent a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration ”in defense ofRead More