Report: Gavin Newsom to Close All Beaches, State Parks in California
California Governor Gavin Newsom plans to issue an order closing all beaches and state parks, effective May 1, according toRead More
California Governor Gavin Newsom plans to issue an order closing all beaches and state parks, effective May 1, according toRead More
Thousands of Californians flocked to open beaches in Southern California due to a heat wave despite Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’sRead More
Dr. Deborah Birx again defended the city of Jacksonville, Florida, for reopening its beaches, despite heavy criticism. “They had lessRead More
“If the county health directors believe that that’s appropriate for their country, then I’m not going to second judge anRead More
Dolphins found shot, stabbed on Florida beaches… (Second column, 14th story, link)
Thousands to sleep at beaches as fires encircle Australian towns… (Third column, 17th story, link) Drudge Report Feed needs yourRead More
Why are great white sharks swimming so close to beaches? (Third column, 10th story, link) Advertise here
In an appearance on his newly launched campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) argued thatRead More