NRCC Poll: GOP Leads Dems on Battleground Generic Ballot
Republicans have moved ahead of Democrats on the generic ballot in battleground states for the first time this election cycle,Read More
Republicans have moved ahead of Democrats on the generic ballot in battleground states for the first time this election cycle,Read More
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is underwater in seven battleground congressional districts that Democrats are defending…
President Trump holds a slight edge in the battleground state of Michigan, a Trafalgar Group survey released this week revealed.
A poll released by American Principles Project and SPRY Strategies found Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in seven of tenRead More
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) claimed during a recent private event that President Donald Trump risks losing key swingRead More
When the final results roll in and the likely victor, Republican Mike Garcia, is confirmed as the winner in theRead More
The #RedforEd teachers’ movement confirmed it is a purely political movement designed to help elect Democrats and stop the re-electionRead More
Two recent polls show that the effort by Democrats to impeach and remove President Trump from office is unpopular withRead More
Progressive organizations and the Democratic Party recognize the centrality of Florida for the 2020 presidential election and have been workingRead More